Monday (3/11): 90 minutes yoga
Tuesday: 40 minutes elliptical
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: 3.14 mile run (Pi day! Please excuse me while I totally geek out.)
Friday: 2500 yard swim
Saturday: Rest/walking around Manhattan
Sunday: NYC Half Marathon aka The Greatest Day Ever
Last week I complained about not having a lot happening on a day to day basis. This week, looking back and looking at my out-of-nowhere-didn’t-think-it was-possible PR, I realize that maybe what I was doing was actually something like tapering successfully.
Given my history with taper, that would definitely explain all the crazy I’ve been dealing with recently as well.
After my last marathon, I didn’t give myself a lot of time to rest. I jumped straight back into running long. Some of it was definitely for the love of running, but I also had days where I had to force myself to get out the door, or panicked when I didn’t And for what? There was the fear that if I stopped for too long, I’d lose too much. But I don’t want to be someone who runs out of fear (ya know, unless something big is chasing me, I guess?).

I want to run because I enjoy it. Sure, some days will be tough, but that’s different than hating every step and feeling no satisfaction after. Tough is ok. That other possibility isn’t.

On Sunday, I recaptured my love of running, and I do NOT want to lose it again. I expect this current week will look even barer workout wise, but I’m ok with that. I’m giving myself a pass. I’ve got some little things coming up, but the next big thing on my race calendar is a Half Ironman in June, and I don’t want to struggle to train while staying one rest day ahead of a burnout. This week was my reminder that I can take time to give my body what it needs without sacrificing all the hard work I’ve put in. In fact, rest will actually allow me to get the benefits of all that hard work.
This is hardly some revolutionary concept. Some might call it “common sense” and those people would also be forgiven for saying “Welcome to the party, Steph, we were wondering when you’d finally show up.” Fair enough. But…better late than never?
So yeah, my point: This week, I plan on just basking in the glory of my ongoing high from Sunday. I might do some yoga. I might go skiing. I will definitely hit the pool. I may or may not do some running. And if I do? It will not be long running by any means. We’re talking something along the lines of Pi Day round 2.
It’s nice to know that I can stay strong (ish) during a borderline burnout, and accomplish some great things, but I don’t want that to be my default. I want to get faster, sure, but not if the process involves more mental lows than highs. This is going to be a week of minimal running, or running only when I really WANT to, in hopes that this will recharge me and get me ready for a long year of total run love. Until then, you can find me lounging around in my brand new compression socks (Pink! And Argyle!), most likely surrounded by Reese’s Eggs and talking to anyone who will listen about the glory that was the NYC Half. And I couldn’t be happier.