Someday I’ll get my workouts up before I’m well into the next week. Not this week, and probably not next week either, but someday.
Monday (3/24): 3 mile run, 90 minutes yoga
Tuesday: 45 minutes elliptical
Wednesday: 5 mile run
Thursday: Rest
Friday: 5 mile run
Saturday: 15 mile bike ride
Sunday: Casual egg hunting (aka: Rest)
This week I was excited. Not for anything in particular, but just a general kind of excitement about possibilities and potential. I was ready and anxious to get out there and do…whatever. I’m always really happy when the seasons change, so that might have had something to do with it. It could have also been the “excessive” amounts of Easter candy I consumed (I regret nothing), or maybe (hopefully?) this Zenned out attitude adjustment is really taking hold. I think it may have finally gone on long enough that I can no longer give all credit to the NYC runner’s high.
Anyway, this revamped attitude, and my decision to go BIG this year, called for some other big happenings this past week:
1. I took my bike out for the first ride of the season. Even better, it was my first ride with real, clip-in bike shoes and I loved it. General wisdom is that when using clip-in shoes you WILL fall at some point. My dad and his group of cycling buddies have decided that it takes two to three falls before you learn to pay attention when stopping. I, being terrified of falling (with visions of derailed race seasons, and memories of that [disastrous] time I bought a skateboard) paid SO MUCH ATTENTION and my first ride went off without a hitch. Yes, I know I will probably fall at some point, but I’m glad it wasn’t on my first ride. This first ride was bliss. Gorgeous, Spring-y, legit bike gear bliss.

2. I bought a wetsuit. I’ve always been a swimmer, so I’ve never been overly concerned with the swim portion of triathlons. Also, despite the fact that I’m always cold on land, somehow in the water I’m fine. Up to this point, I’ve mostly scheduled my triathlons during parts of the season when I can get away with not wearing a wetsuit. Fun, but limiting. And I don’t want to be limited by something that is SO easy to change. Also, I don’t love getting run over by people more buoyant than me. So I took the plunge (ha…) and got the suit.

3. This is The Big One: I applied to be on the Nuun team for the Hood to Coast relay this August. Aside from the obvious (it’s HOOD TO COAST. And NUUN. You get to run down a freakin’ mountain with THE gurus of hydration!), this is big because it involves putting myself further out there than I’m used to. The application was a video, so not only did I have to learn how to edit videos, but I also had to watch myself (over and over and over and over…) on video, something I used to HATE. Plus, in making and posting the video, I had to admit – out loud! – that this is something I really want. When I was training for my first marathon I barely told anybody, and I definitely didn’t talk about my time goals. If something went wrong, I wanted to be able to pretend it had never happened. I’m not saying that I want to start putting EVERYTHING out there for the world to see (for the world’s sake, as much as my own), but I don’t need to keep everything so quiet either. If I don’t hit every goal (and obviously, there will be goals I don’t hit – right away anyway!) the people in my life won’t think any less of me. Plus, in the spirit of the year, I’ve decided it’s better to go big, than to look like I’m not going at all. So anyway, I spent my weekend editing “scripts”, pictures, and videos and finally hit submit on Sunday night. This year’s Team Nuun will be announced on April 17th. I have no idea how I’m going to stay calm until then. I imagine re-reading race recaps from previous years is not particularly helpful, but I’m doing what I can with what I’ve got…

So that was my week: massive amounts of excitement, putting myself out there, and showing all my sports some love. I have high hopes for this week as well, not least of all because this sweet shirt is on its way to me, as a reminder of all these big things I want to do. I’ve got a 10k coming up this weekend, I’ve narrowed my options in The Big Fall Marathon Debate, and I still have some leftover candy.
Life is pretty good.
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