Once upon a time I studied abroad in the Caribbean, where I learned that all-patterns-all-the-time in many bright colors is perfectly acceptable. And then I moved back to New England, and many people, who I thought loved me for what was on the INSIDE started telling me that they would refuse to be seen in public with me if I continued to insist that pattern mixing was A Thing.
(And then pattern mixing DID become A Thing, but my patterns remained sub-par and un-fashionable. WHATEVER, world. I don’t need your stupid approval.)
Soon after, I became a Grad Student in a grey and windy country, and I toned down the patterns (sometimes) but decided that hoodies were sensible and appropriate for most occasions. This worked until the Great Hoodie Incident of 2010, when my friends almost suffered a nervous breakdown trying to figure out how to tell me I couldn’t wear my hoodie to a night club. Guys, I’m not totally inept. I was planning to take the hoodie off, ok? In what was definitely a well thought out protest, I chose to continue wearing my flip flops. So there, y’all.
ANYWAY. Now I work in an office, where I am perfectly capable(ish) of putting together professional and appropriate outfits. People have even been known to comment on how I “always have the best shoes”. Which is why, when I am sulking because I feel like I might sort of, kind of be vaguely injured (or just sore because that’s what happens when you run fast), I feel like occasional lapses are ok.
In an attempt to make the maybe-sort-of hamstring pain GO AWAY I decided to be sensible, or whatever, this week and I rocked my sneakers. But I didn’t want to be professional on the top, sporty on the bottom – the mullet of office wear – so instead, this happened:
All I needed was to jack up my pony-tail and throw on some track bottoms. Yesterday, I swapped my wannabe (see what I did there?) 90s pop star look for a rugby shirt and jeans. Just in case I found myself in an office wide scrum, or something.
Me: My editor just told me I look “all rugby-d out.” That would be because I have totally given up on any attempt at professional attire and am actually wearing a rugby shirt today. At least it’s not my in-your-face Saltire one?
EnablerFriend: I know that you have multiple rugby shirts. But I only think of the Saltire one. And I didn’t think there was anything wrong with wearing that one to the office.
Balance, guys, I swear I’ll get there. At least I took the hoodie off?
Your turn: Is there such a thing as too many patterns/colors? What’s the professional limit you can get away with at work? Does anyone else chase ducks and traffic cones? Just me and my friends? Oh. Ok then.